Monday, May 09, 2005

On burning out...

I like to visit "dailykos." Cheers and Jeers is a great read. Much has been written there lately about "impeachable" offenses by the current whitehouse. I am one of those who thinks that the Iraq invasion was illegal and immoral. I have been faced with a bit of personal hypocrisy, however. How can I support the Bosnia/Herzigovnia invasion but not Iraq.

I have come to the conclusion that it is not the military action, per se, that haunts me. But the justification provided to the people. Bill Clinton made it clear that he was committing troops for purely humanitarian reasons. He was up front about his reasoning and stood up against those who doubted it.

The Iraq war was sold as a pre-emptive defensive maneuver to deter the creation and proliferation of "WMD."
Based on this recent information from Great Britain, it is clear that the whitehouse was planning on invading Iraq long before the 9/11 attackes.

Being a moderate, I want to support my government regardless of who is filling any particular office. I must, however, have no reason to doubt the honesty of those serving the people. Although I think Bill Clinton's personal ethics were appalling, he gave me no reason to doubt his presidential honesty. G.W. Bush has consistently lied to the American people. Although it seems his personal ethics are above questioning. He seems like a decent father, and a loyal husband.

Perhaps it is the power of government in and of itself that is at issue here. If government had little impact on my finances, and day-to-day life, then the quibbles of the political beujoisis would be of no interest. So, I am a traditional conservative when it comes to governmental power.... "Smaller is better." Seems ironic that the current "neo-cons" have produced the largest beaurocracy in history.

I 'm outta here....

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