Friday, May 06, 2005

First installment

Well... Here I am. This blog is just a collection of my random thoughts, especially political.

The reason for doing this is simple; things in America suck right now. My ire is not the result of right-wing nuts running my country, nor is it that democrats are such wimps. MY problem is the dividedness of my fellow Americans. One side hating Loathing anyone who disagrees with them. It is shameful. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing IMO. Let's agree to disagree! In the end we have to give and take in order progress as a country.

What I hope to elucidate is that American pluralism is the basis for America's greatness. It is consilience that I yearn for. I want my views given equal weight with every others no matter which party, ideology is in the majority. The President is supposed to represent me too (liberal social values, conservative economic values, and all).

Anyway, I will be posting/ranting about how I think government ought to serve over the coming days, weeks, months, and years. I may add a few meaningless tangential rants about various subjects too.


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