Sunday, January 11, 2009

Drive by posting...

A message for someone (you know who you are)...


Rod said...

It seems like common sense (take for instance, the laughter of the crowd), until you read that the average American household carries $9,200 in credit card debt at an average rate in the middle teens.

Unfortunately, many people cannot differentiate needs from wants.

I just don't understand why people choose to put themselves through the enormous stress of living paycheck to paycheck.

Counterintuitive said...


At times I too don't get why people can't understand this principle. On the other hand it should surprise us too much since our entire economy is based off people buying more stuff. Buying is presented as supporting your country, being a true American etc. My point is the basic assumptions of our economic system are flawed--the economy, as understood now, can't continue to grow unless people buy stuff they don't need and can't afford. Aaargh!!!

shane said...

LOL! Great stuff.