Friday, July 18, 2008

a creed...

Written by PZ Myers at Pharyngula:

An Atheist’s Creed

I believe in time,
matter, and energy,
which make up the whole of the world.

I believe in reason, evidence and the human mind,
the only tools we have;
they are the product of natural forces
in a majestic but impersonal universe,
grander and richer than we can imagine,
a source of endless opportunities for discovery.

I believe in the power of doubt;
I do not seek out reassurances,
but embrace the question,
and strive to challenge my own beliefs.

I accept human mortality.

We have but one life,
brief and full of struggle,
leavened with love and community,
learning and exploration,
beauty and the creation of
new life, new art, and new ideas.

I rejoice in this life that I have,
and in the grandeur of a world that preceded me,
and an earth that will abide without me.


Counterintuitive said...

Often, and just the other day, I was thinking about how I would respond if/when someone says, "So what exactly do you believe in?" I inevitably focus on what I do NOT believe in rather than what I do believe in. This reminds me of all I do believe in.

I do believe in doubt, in life, in beauty, in struggle, in the moon I saw last night while biking with my son at Antelope Island. AND AND I do not fee guilt for these beliefs; I do not feel a need to apologize.


shane said...

i responded to this in honduras but it didn't go through. i had the same problem responding to CI.

here's the abbreviated version:

i liked the poem, except for one thing. i don't agree that we have 'but one life'. it seems to me that I carry around a thousand lives--and that not even a second of my life ever really ends. this is especially clear to me, but not necessarily comforting, when I travel.

shane said...

okay, i've been out of the country for the summer. what's your excuse?

time for a new post, dude!!