Friday, January 06, 2006

Hmmm... a new year.

I have always been skeptical of good starts. It seems to me that this, inevitably, leads to a poor finish. My holdings in SPIL have made a 10% move to the upside since Tuesday. Kind of scares me. I sold UARM for a handsome 40 % profit. I gave up on Ford too quickly it seems. i sold it at 8.13 (my buy-in price). Damn!

Things in the political arena have taken some unique twists and turns lately. The Abramoff scandal is going to take a few corrupt people down. It may take some heat off of the President. However, it seems that more congressional scandal is in action here. Oh... and did you hear? Bush needs to admit defeat in iraq. Good ole al-qaida (video link). I tend to agree more with this guy.

Here is my BIL's blog (just returning the favor).

This looks about right. It always was just for entertainment purposes anyway.
I love it when someone credible takes god to task. If this is the best god can do, I am not impressed. I am impressed with Dennett however. ;) Also, this is a spokesperson for god? God needs to screen his employees a bit better. What a dick!

Well here is something fun err... tittallating is more like it.

Gotta hug my kids now.



shane said...

Hey man, I'm about $400 short to pay all my bills before I start back to work next semester. You wanna give me some investment advice? Just kidding. I'll probably just rob a bank.

HH said...


Keep your hands where I can see them. :P