Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jesus Bombs and Rockets..

Lately, I have been receiving a bit of religious nonsense from family. If this refers to you... please understand that I can NOT be re-converted. Religion is just dumb. God does not exist and Joseph Smith was a fraud. I Hope this ends the nonsense in my in-box.

I have made more in the stock market this year than my wife and I made in our jobs. I think that trading, for me, is beginning to take hold. I took my winnings from Bear Sterns, and bought into Chinese solar panel makers(ahh... moral relief). I have more than doubled my money as a result. Every stock I pick seems to launch like a rocket. And, the sky is the limit. I am going to make "trading" my summer job. Given my recent (2 year) track record it looks as thought this could become a 2nd career.

Is there a balance to be found between luck, leisure, and work? I long to live like Shane... Spend like my Step-Brother... and passionately exist like one of my good friends. Can I be moral, and rich at the same time, and under these same circumstances?

I know... "gee I wish I had your conundrum HH." Piss off...

HH =)


Counterintuitive said...

Just yesterday I was wondering how to respond to my mother-in-law who would like to reconvert me. Maybe I will just copy and paste your first paragraph; of course she may never speak to me after that.

To your second point: piss off :) I've had a little next egg in the stock market for over a decade and it's lost money.

shane said...

Yeah, I second that piss off. I'm accepting donations to my "Send-Shane-to-travel-the-world foundation.

Being rich and morally responsible? I think it depends largely on how you define rich.

HH said...

Cynics!! ;)