Shane will shake his head, but my stock portfolio has had a VERY good run of luck. When Bear Sterns tanked I bought a bunch of shares at 2.50. Just 9 days later I sold them for 10.00 a share. Being a responsible investor I also bought into 3 solar energy concerns (one in China and on American). Both are up ~40% since bought just 3 weeks ago. I HIGHLY recommend that if you have some investing money sitting around that you consider investing in American Solar Energy companies (SOLF, FSLR, CSIQ, ESLR, SPIL, XSNX.ob[this is my favorite],etc.). No matter which big-party candidate wins the Whitehouse it is obvious that alternative energy and global warming will be at the forefront of the agenda moving forward ("moving forward" - I hate that so damn much that I can't believe I used it---- F'ing mainstream media is seeping into my thick, thick, skull).
My feelings about religionists, of late, have turned from anger to pity. I had a discussion with my mother last weekend. She was up to "sit" with my sister's kids (while my sister went on a cruise with a friend). We chatted about a lot of things, but religion (hers in particular- LDS) came up. I was amazed at how my questions were so easily dismissed without so much as a blink. Sad really, how little it seems that believers actually think about what they actually purport to believe. Kind of weird to pity a parent. But, the religious habit is so long entrenched that there is no hope of reason ever taking hold. I love my mom and wish better for her.
I wish her a happy dinner, pleasant sexual congress with her husband, and a warm and happy Spring Break.

Flowing (rather than ebbing),
HH =)
Thanks for the stock tips...I wish I had some extra cha ching right now and I'd give it a try.
I'm happy to join you on your flow! As to your comment about your mom...first of all, for some reason I can't even say "parents" and "sex" in the same sentence. Why is that? I don't know. It's probably has to do with the unspoken myth that sex is dirty and wrong.
As to the not able/interested in answering your questions comment. Amen. I completely understand what you are talking about. What I find so frustrating are the old fall back statements... that unanswered questions help us grow faith... or the shelf analogy. (just put it on your shelf and someday maybe not until the eternities, you will get an answer)It allows the process of cognitive dissonance to continue on and on.
Yesterday, I attended the Unitarian church. The service was satisfying. (it was about immigration and what we can do to improve the situation for undocumented workers). It moved me enough to go the library and find out what I could do to get involved with teaching English to immigrants. I've gone to the church before and the sermons usually have a lot of substance and I am often very moved by them. But everytime I go, I see a lot of new and different people. There isn't that family feel, like there is in the Mormon church. When you are in everyone's business it does have the positive side effect of knowing a lot of people...which lends itself to the sisterly/brotherly feeling. This has not been my experience in any church outside of the Mormons. But I think this is exactly why Mormonism is so effective. It isn't really as much about answering those questions, I mean it is...but I think that for some this is just a footnote to the religion. It is about the community and the connection to others. Probably something we are hard wired to seek.
Therefore...why rock the boat with all those silly details!
I hear ya there SE. It think, at times, that maybe I short-change my children by not belonging to a "social" club, like that which religion offers. The UU's sound delightful. Perhaps we will give it a go?
On the last note, "why rock the boat?" I know I am the wrong person to pose that question to. Some of us (you are in this small group) actually give a damn about truth. We don't pay lip-service to it. We actually go to the effort of thinking, researching, and working to find it. We care to use developed epistomologies which have high likelihoods of leading us to what can be known.
Ron and I started a back-and-forth on his most recent blog post that parallels this quite nicely.
My post above was written while thinking of you.
Best Wishes,
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