I know it has been a while. Came down with some nasty sinus/meningitis thing. Was a horrible month-plus. Glad its over.
The family and I had a very nice Thanksgiving. We were originally slated to spend the day with my mother and step-father. They are terribly nice people, who also happen to be delightful company. However, they invited some extended family (uncle, cousins, etc.). Normally this would be a "more-the-merrier" kind of scenario. But, as is usually the case with my family, things were morally complicated. You see, my uncle had an illegal relationship with his step-daughter when she was just 13 or so. He spent his time in jail for his pedophilia. Yet, the story takes a very weird turn. You see, he is now living with this same step-daughter since divorcing her mother. You can almost hear the banjo music in the background can't ya??
Needless to say this left my good wife and I in a moral pickle. We can not allow our children to be exposed to such dysfunction. Yet, we didn't want to hurt my good mother's feelings by refusing to go. I did what I thought any thoughtful and loving son would do. I was honest with her. We ended up going down to visit the Sunday before Thanksgiving. They seemed genuinly delighted to have the time with us. They were very understanding.
So, we spent Thanksgiving with my wife's family. I really like my wife's family. They don't complicate anything. The only times that are somewhat uncomfortable is when my father-in-law jabs a "tease" at me. I know its his way of letting me know he cares, but I just feel like a deer caught in the headlights. Do I poke fun back? Do I run the risk of saying something incredibly stupid to someone who will never let me live it down? Well... yes. I usually say something like, "blubbbaa bulbaa quack squawk." Everyone in hearing distance generally looks puzzled, and I generally sneak away to find my corner. See, great fun.
Thank heavens my wife's brother is there. He and I are liberal kindred spirits. He and I can discuss, argue, intellectualize, and pop open a bottle of wine 'round the LDS family members. I am often unbundled by how much at-ease I am in his presence. It makes it difficult to see him leave for his home in Colorado.
Work has been rather unique of late. It seems that in most years my therapy skills are used with one type of pathology invading the students at my schools. This year however has brought me a highly varied group of mental health issues. It is nice to be challenged, but enough is enough. Its often difficult to leave it at work, and I find myself pondering the therapy sessions over and over in my head.
I am delighted that the Democrats took the house and senate. Not that I much like democrats. I just know that I tend to win when the government is fighting itself. I could expound highly on the Iraq debacle but its just too damned exhausting. Too damned embarrassing.
Happy Holidays, Merry x-mas, A peaceful Solstice, Happy Kwanzaa, and a Wonderful Hanukkah.