Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Visitors in the shadows...

Come out... come out... wherever you are. I am certain that there are family members (the wife's, and mine) who have browsed my little corner of the web universe, and simply have not offerred a response.

I just wanted to let you know that I am delighted that you visit. Some of you may be surprised at my rather aggressive assaults on religion (particularly yours). Others, may just have clicked through Shane's, Ron's, or another person's blog wondering who this rather "bitter" "liberal" is. Its me, Travis.

IRL(in real life)I don't confront these issues much with extended family. I think it more important to maintain civility whenever possible. No reason relationships should suffer over philosophical differences, and conundrums. I love my wife's family, as well as my own parents and siblings.

I must admit, however, there have been many times that I held my tongue when someone has made a blatantly false comment on religion (e.g., "church is a good place for children to learn morals." and, "it is necessary to be mormom in utah, the culture demands it. Otherwise our children will be alienated.").

When anyone ever asks me my views, I tell them clearly and without apology. I find that my life committed to reason and science is vastly more fulfilling, joyous, and honest; than my life before of faith, and dissonance. The stress and depression are gone.

I, do love to debate, and for those lurking in the shadows of my blog, I invite you out to chat. Whatever topic is discussed, I assure you that I will harbour no emotional feelings when we disagree. Please afford me the same courtesy. Otherwise... be on your way. If you are republican and/or LDS my comments will only frustrate and anger you. I don't wish you to be frustrated and angry.

HH (Travis- Happy_Heretic)


Counterintuitive said...

Hmmm, I'm interested in what must have happened to spur this on. Hope it wasn't too upsetting but have little hope that lurkers will surface for air.

HH said...

In a discussion with one of Angie's relatives, they stated that they have visited Shane's blog. Given the links, and simple human curiosity, I think the sum is that my blog has also been skimmed. I know my family member have my blog addy. I am pretty sure my mom has stopped in before.


Rod said...

Well I am Republican, and I enjoy your blog. Although I am more Democrat lately than ever before. I can't tell if you are more or less militant atheist than I am.

At least your relatives don't print out your blog posts and wait in front of your house for you to come home, and then confront you in tears about your religious beliefs. Hence why my blog has been "private" for the last year (which I hate). I also have to self moderate my comments since there is always the outside chance they will be seen by my family and cause yet another fiasco.

I would enjoy hearing your reasons why it is not necessary to be Mormon to live in Utah and/or that your children will not be alienated if they are not Mormon. These are my primary reasons for not moving out there. I can handle people not liking me (and actually quite enjoy it), but I don't want my kids having a harder time than necessary.

Perhaps this year I will actually get invited to the great meeting of the bloggers, which I was sadly left out of last year!

Darkly_Dreaming said...


Nice to hear from you. You are, of course, invited to the next exmo-expo. It will be during the xmas break. You going to be out here?

In answer to your questions... I noticed on your blog that you were republican. Ewww. Gross. You have cooties. I have a foul taste for both democratic and republican parties, but I find that Republicans tend towards rather thin skin. I really would have guessed that you were a democrat. I guess your fiscal conservatism drives your vote? BTW... the democrats have a MUCH better record, fiscally, than the republicans.

I believe I am a more militant atheist than you. Most atheists, it seems are negative atheists (god has not been proven, thus no belief). I am a positive atheist (god has been disproved and thus I deny its existence).

Sorry to hear your family drama is so profound that you must censure your blog in order to live peaceably. That must suck.

AS far as the "mormon in utah requirement", I was providing examples of fallacious thinking. My children are, for all intents and purposes, athiests. They have NOT been alienated. Nor have they exhibited any moral inferiority. I would reccomend moving to Utah. Ron and I are here. We are fun. Okay, not fun, amusing.

Thanks for posting my good man. Give my best to the wonderful wife.

HH (Trav)

Rod said...

Yes, we are coming out the night of the 18th and staying until the 28th. I would enjoy meeting up with you guys this year, even though I'm not "exmo".

Typically my fiscal conservatism drives my vote. However, after the past 8 years I don't think the Republicans can lay claim to being fiscally responsible. My issue with Democrats is that they always promise big government programs/giveaways to win votes and play on class envy. I will always be for whichever candidate I think is more likely to balance the budget and/or reduce the size of the federal government. Typically (in my opinion) that has been the Republicans. However, as of the current time, I am in a state of transition and/or confusion, so I really don't know what I think anymore.

As for other issues, I usually identify with Democrats, except gun control (I am a country boy after all). I am finding it harder and harder to identify with candidates from either party lately. I really wish we had a viable 3rd party in this country.

I would be interested in hearing how you can "disprove" God's existence. I cannot determine a logical way to prove that he doesn't exist. The best I can do is to assert that he cannot be proven to exist, so therefore does not (because the burden of proof is always on the person making the claim).

I think I would enjoy living out there, but I would miss a lot of things out here. Whatever we decide to do, it'll be a few years - we have to get my new student loans paid off and I have to get a few promotions so that we can afford to live on just one income (I am working a regular full time job in public accounting and doing the accounting for my family's business as well to make up for Darci staying home with Jack). Plus with the housing market the way it is, I'd rather avoid selling our house for a few years if at all possible.

shane said...

I thought about logging in under a pseudonym and playing the role of a Mormon, gay-hating, Republican, but I don't think I could pull it off.

Oh, well. As you know, I don't need to impersonate someone else to start an argument with you. ;)